
Make Better Credit Decisions With Open Banking: An Insider’s Perspective

Many banks and credit institutions across Europe are embarking on the next phase of digital transformation by embracing Open Banking technology. Are you ready for it?

We interviewed thought leaders from banks and credit institutions as well as influential consultants at the forefront of the Open Banking movement in France, Spain, and Italy to learn more about just how transformative Open Banking can be for the credit industry. Their insight was unanimous. Open Banking technologies and innovations are already:

  • Encouraging the credit industry to accelerate digital transformation
  • Streamlining the credit decision-making process (vs traditional credit scoring)
  • Creating new paths towards long-term business growth
  • Transforming the customer experience beyond credit decisions alone
  • Setting the foundation for a dynamic Open Finance future  

But those are just the highlights.

Be sure to download our eBook, developed in collaboration with The Paypers, Make Better Credit Decisions with Open Banking: An Insider’s Perspective to see exactly what the experts had to say.

Ready to speed up, streamline, and improve the accuracy of your credit scoring and credit lending processes?

Article - Coverage-Q4-2022

Cutting-edge Open Finance Platform.

Powens was founded in 2012 in Paris, France as a European Open Finance pioneer in the B2B space. We empower over 260 leading financial services players to create next-gen user experiences, enable frictionless financial data and identity document aggregation, and deploy real-time payment solutions.

  • 3.7M+ end-users connected in 2022
  • 1.2B+ API calls per month in 2022
  • €1.3B+ payments processed in 2022


Beyond Open Banking

Powens’ powerful end-to-end Open Finance platform not only makes it possible to access the most accurate financial data from multiple sources in a fully-compliant way, but it also provides solutions to streamline customer onboarding, enable credit decision-making, and automate invoicing and payments.

  • Data & document aggregation solutions
  • Data processing solutions
  • Payment solutions
Open DATA-1

Data & Document Aggregation Solutions

Access the most accurate financial data from multiple sources in a fully-compliant way.

  • Checking, savings, and loans
  • Investments and crypto
  • Group savings and pension plans
  • ID verification documents
  • Data categorization & KPIs

Data Processing Solutions

Create engaging, completely frictionless experiences for end-users.
  • Streamline customer onboarding
  • Enable credit decision-making
  • Make instant billing and payments
  • Enrich your customer insights
Open DATA-3
Open DATA-4

Payment Solutions

Automate real-time payments and reduce unnecessary costs.

  • A2A Payments (PSD2)
  • SEPA Instant Payouts
  • SEPA Direct Debits 
  • Virtual POS


Tap into the power of Powens' Open Finance platform today.